Title |
Pages / Words |
Save |
The History of Greek Theater |
9 / 2442 |
Antigone and Ismene |
2 / 438 |
Lord Of The Flies - A Critical View |
2 / 499 |
Innocent Victim of Love |
3 / 678 |
Character Profile of Friar Lawrence |
3 / 613 |
Macbeth Analysis |
1 / 128 |
What makes Romeo and Juliet a Tragedy and who or what is to blame? |
6 / 1561 |
Articles of Confederation.. |
1 / 210 |
great gatsby |
2 / 588 |
Homeward Bound |
1 / 202 |
McCarthyism vs. The Crucible |
2 / 416 |
A Drop In The Bucket |
2 / 488 |
A Watermarked Dream |
3 / 640 |
An American Tragedy: Comparing "the Crucible" And "the Scarlet Letter" |
3 / 720 |
Analyzing Shakespeare's Othello |
4 / 1163 |
Another MacBeth |
2 / 452 |
Antigone: Changing Views Of The Chorus |
3 / 803 |
all quiet on the western front assignment #3 focus on chapter 4 |
1 / 291 |
Beowulf: Character Analysis |
2 / 580 |
Characterization of George Milton |
3 / 693 |
Death of a Salesman |
5 / 1269 |
Discuss the concept of tragic flaw as it relates to Macbeth |
2 / 472 |
death of a salesman |
2 / 472 |
Essay By On The Aeneid |
5 / 1251 |
Flowers For Algernon |
1 / 171 |
Great Expectations: Symbolism |
3 / 839 |
Hamlet: Growing Pains |
5 / 1474 |
hamlets relationships |
6 / 1609 |
King Lear |
7 / 1970 |
Macbeth: A Noble And Highly Respected Figure In Ducan's Reign |
3 / 779 |
Macbeth: Aristotelian Tragedy |
6 / 1794 |
Macbeth: Macbeth The Tragic Hero |
4 / 908 |
Macbeth: Macbeth's Ambition, Courage, And Moral Cowardness Leads To Hi |
2 / 460 |
macbeth as a tragic hero |
2 / 465 |
Night |
1 / 147 |
Odipus |
1 / 276 |
Okonkwos' Tragic Life |
3 / 683 |
Othello |
7 / 2065 |
Romeo |
2 / 310 |
Shakespear |
8 / 2207 |
Shakespeare's Star Crossed Lovers |
2 / 418 |
The History of Greek Theater |
9 / 2445 |
The Merchant Of Venice: A Tragic Play |
3 / 790 |
The Themes of Antigone |
3 / 705 |
The Winter's Tale: The Tragedy Within A Romance |
2 / 413 |
There Are No Children Here |
3 / 680 |
the tragedies of romeo and juliet |
2 / 507 |
to kill a mockingbird |
2 / 343 |
White Oleander |
3 / 669 |
A Dolls House" and "The Glass Menagerie |
4 / 988 |
A Tragic Hero Of Just A Tragic Life |
6 / 1508 |
All my Sons |
4 / 938 |
Ambiguity & Equivocation In Macbeth |
4 / 925 |
Analysing Benjamin Percy's "Refresh, Refresh" |
6 / 1566 |
Antigone vs. Ismene |
2 / 551 |
Caesar |
5 / 1287 |
Death of a Salesman-Is Willy a modern tragic hero? |
8 / 2198 |
Descriptive Essay "The Paramedic" |
2 / 438 |
Determinism vs. free will in "Their Eyes were watching God." |
5 / 1402 |
Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde: Tragic Hero |
2 / 444 |
Economics test |
3 / 633 |
Ethan Frome, Tragic Hero |
2 / 573 |
Flaws In Death Of A Salesman |
3 / 677 |
Hamlet Vs. Macbeth |
2 / 512 |
Hamlet's Relationships |
6 / 1609 |
Hamlet, why did he delay |
6 / 1621 |
Hamlet: the real tragedy |
3 / 889 |
Hedda Gabler |
3 / 802 |
His Own Worst Enemy |
5 / 1253 |
How Does Arthur Miller Use Alfieri As A Dramatic Device |
5 / 1310 |
How To Read Literature Like A Professor |
5 / 1376 |
Is Jay Gatsby Tragic? |
3 / 663 |
Is fate a factor |
2 / 396 |
Jocasta vs. Kaikeyi |
4 / 1122 |
King Lear Assignment |
7 / 1973 |
King Lear |
4 / 1040 |
death of a salesman |
2 / 539 |
feminsm in othello |
3 / 799 |
hedda gabler |
2 / 567 |
Long Day's Journey into Night Essay on Mary |
4 / 1157 |
Long day`s journey into night character analysis |
5 / 1432 |
MACBETH oral presentation |
2 / 556 |
Macbeth and Tragedy |
7 / 2049 |
Macbeth--a Tragic Hero |
3 / 678 |
Macbeth-Tragedy or Satire |
7 / 1923 |
Macbeth |
2 / 449 |
Macbeth |
2 / 461 |
Macbeth |
7 / 2039 |
Macbeth |
2 / 352 |
Macbeth: Shakespeare's Tragic Villain |
9 / 2419 |
Macbeth: Tragedy Or Satire? |
7 / 2056 |
Macbeths Downfall |
2 / 474 |
Madame Bovary: A tragic hero |
4 / 1008 |
Mercutio, The Tragic Hero |
2 / 365 |
5 / 1300 |
Oedipus |
1 / 253 |
On Martin Roth's \ |
2 / 582 |
Othello - critical study |
10 / 2715 |
Othello Essay |
3 / 710 |
Othello |
4 / 1198 |
Personal conflict- Othello, I was only 19, Absolutely Fabulous |
4 / 917 |
Poetry |
4 / 1179 |
Reality of Paradise Lost |
2 / 422 |
Romeo and Juliet |
4 / 914 |
Romeo and Juliet |
2 / 359 |
Romeo is completely to blame for the tragic outcome in the play. |
5 / 1327 |
Samson Agonistes |
4 / 1056 |
Shakespear's King Lear |
7 / 1975 |
Shakespearian tragedy |
1 / 280 |
Sonny's Blues |
2 / 437 |
Sophocles |
3 / 854 |
Student |
2 / 415 |
Student |
1 / 129 |
T. S. Eliot's Poetic Devices |
4 / 1033 |
Term Papers on Aristocrcy |
5 / 1439 |
Thanatopsis |
3 / 800 |
The Birthmark on Mortal Perfection |
4 / 989 |
The Birthmark |
2 / 511 |
The Birthmark |
4 / 954 |
The Cherry Orchord reading journal |
2 / 484 |
The Dream |
4 / 1128 |
The Flaws of Shakespeares Heroes |
4 / 950 |
The Importance of Being Ernest |
2 / 517 |
The Mutilation of Society |
4 / 1114 |
The Stowaway By Julian Barnes |
4 / 916 |
The point of citizen Kane |
5 / 1244 |
Time as a key dimension to one's life |
3 / 626 |
Two tragic heroes? Compare and contrast how Sophocles presents the characters of Creon and Antigone. |
3 / 826 |
Who is Responsible of the demise of the central characters in Macbeth? |
3 / 715 |
Who is responsible for the tragedy in the play? |
2 / 504 |
love and race |
3 / 680 |
macbeth witches |
3 / 638 |
romeo and juliet |
2 / 326 |
things fall apart essay |
2 / 340 |
Athenian Drama |
5 / 1256 |
Athens and its Rise |
4 / 1200 |
Greek Myths |
3 / 722 |
Heart of Darkness |
2 / 416 |
No escape |
2 / 423 |
shakespeare coriolanus quote summary |
2 / 326 |
The History of Greek Theater |
9 / 2445 |
Ancient Greek Drama |
8 / 2347 |
Antigone: Gender Issues |
3 / 756 |
antigone essay |
4 / 1128 |
Catch-22 |
3 / 682 |
Character Analysis 2 |
2 / 448 |
Creon As The Tragic Hero Of An |
3 / 749 |
Creon As The Tragic Hero Of Antigone |
3 / 749 |
coool |
5 / 1251 |
Death Of A Salesman Vs. Hamlet |
2 / 588 |
Death Of A Salesman |
4 / 1013 |
Desensitized America |
2 / 576 |
Did Sparta Achieve Her Goal |
2 / 511 |
Dionysis vs Pentheus |
3 / 797 |
Explication From Hamlet |
4 / 919 |
Forces Keeping Romeo And Juliet Apart |
3 / 651 |
Gender Issues In Antigone |
3 / 741 |
Hamlet - The Tragedy Of Hamlet |
3 / 814 |
Hamlet 5 |
3 / 635 |
Hamlet Polonius Family |
3 / 889 |
Hamlets Problem |
3 / 628 |
Hedda Gabler |
3 / 802 |
Ibsen's Ghosts Vs. Aristotle's Poetics |
3 / 740 |
King Lear |
7 / 1975 |
Macbeth - Tragedy Or Satire |
7 / 1944 |
Macbeth - Tragic Hero |
2 / 397 |
Macbeth - Tragic Hero |
2 / 397 |
Macbeth : The Tragedy |
3 / 840 |
Macbeth: Tragedy Or Satire |
7 / 1944 |
My Favorite sport Moment |
2 / 565 |
Oedipus |
1 / 287 |
The Great Gatsby As A Satire |
2 / 588 |
The History Of Greek Theater |
9 / 2474 |
The History Of Greek Theater |
9 / 2419 |
The History Of Greek Theater |
9 / 2445 |
The Tragedy Of Hamlet |
3 / 814 |
Thoroughly Modern Oedipus |
13 / 3803 |
Tragically Inane: The Cherry Orchard And Six Characters |
7 / 1876 |
A Brief Examination of the Tragic Element in Madama Butterfly |
3 / 696 |
Gangs Steal Oscar Nominations |
3 / 777 |
No Doubt |
2 / 534 |
Research Paper-Shakespeare's "Othello" |
6 / 1604 |
Descartes |
2 / 541 |
Freedom |
3 / 606 |
Naturally Just And Legally Just |
5 / 1489 |
Plato & Aristotle Comparison |
6 / 1784 |
psychological egoism/rachels |
2 / 525 |
The Tragic End |
3 / 778 |
Greek Mythology |
2 / 341 |
Is Freud's Religious Belief of the "Father-Figure" Sound? |
5 / 1421 |
Jesus |
1 / 202 |
mere christianity |
2 / 383 |
othello |
9 / 2623 |
Who is Jesus |
4 / 977 |
asia pop. |
2 / 491 |
Divine Right of kings in Oedipus and modern society |
5 / 1410 |
September 11th |
2 / 308 |
Standarized Testing |
3 / 708 |
Analysis of Microsoft WMF Vulnerability |
4 / 971 |
Hacking G-Mail, Yahoo, MySpace, and other user accounts using Social Engineering. |
4 / 906 |