Title |
Pages / Words |
Save |
All the President's Men |
2 / 586 |
New Twists on an Old Theme |
5 / 1266 |
Gfgdfgf |
2 / 490 |
nikola |
3 / 865 |
Ralph Waldo Emerson |
2 / 577 |
Death Of A Salesman |
4 / 936 |
Great Gatsby: Fitzgerald's Criticism Of The American Dream |
2 / 506 |
Magazine Critique |
2 / 330 |
Oedipus Rex as a tragic hero |
3 / 896 |
Richard Iii |
3 / 718 |
Summer Reading: Flatland |
2 / 449 |
the Republic By Plato |
4 / 1081 |
the classical leisure from The Cloud |
1 / 125 |
power and politics |
2 / 342 |
A Shakesperean Tragic Hero - Macbeth |
4 / 922 |
Allegory Of The Cave |
2 / 600 |
Allegory of the Cave |
2 / 427 |
Analyze The Preface To Roy Harris’S Rethinking Writing With Respect To Style, Structure And Organisation And Comment On Whether It Is A Good Introduction To The Book. |
4 / 1073 |
Critique of Black Writing, White Reading: Race and the Politics of Feminist Interpretation |
2 / 517 |
Critique of Dinner with Friends |
2 / 459 |
Critique of “Kids Using Sleeping Pills” |
4 / 1057 |
Galileo |
3 / 709 |
Hercules |
3 / 757 |
Kosinski's Allegory of the Television |
5 / 1218 |
Literature |
2 / 529 |
MLK, Plato and Galbraith |
4 / 955 |
Nietzsche: Morality Essay |
5 / 1365 |
Oppositional World Views: Plato & The Sophists |
6 / 1595 |
Paglilitis Ni Mang Serapio Sa Mata Ni Aristotle |
6 / 1577 |
Plato's Hidden Intent |
3 / 809 |
Plato, Allegory Cave |
4 / 1115 |
Prometheus Bound As Tragedy |
3 / 725 |
8 / 2103 |
The Poetics by Aristotle & Hamlet by Shakespeare |
4 / 1183 |
The Tragic Downfall of Willy Loman |
2 / 541 |
Tradegy in Greek Literature |
3 / 686 |
4 / 912 |
What is Greek Tragedy? |
4 / 1029 |
Where Is Atlantis |
3 / 746 |
oedipus the king |
4 / 1065 |
Aristocrcy |
6 / 1656 |
art history |
3 / 761 |
atlantis |
3 / 771 |
Elements of Childhood in Plato's "Lysis" |
5 / 1417 |
Humanism During the Renaissance |
2 / 508 |
Jazz Musicians In Shapiro’S Book |
2 / 596 |
Leo xi |
3 / 871 |
Liberalism Vs. Democracy |
3 / 666 |
Natural Law And Order: Comparing Montaigne and Sepulveda's Beliefs About The New World |
4 / 1140 |
Plato |
5 / 1492 |
The Renaissance |
2 / 456 |
what is science |
3 / 847 |
Allegory Of The Cave Analysis |
3 / 713 |
Aristotle On Tragedy |
4 / 1046 |
Aristotle/Kenneth Burke |
6 / 1698 |
Atlantis, The Lost City |
5 / 1316 |
Atlantis: We Will Never Know |
3 / 771 |
Blackmur R.p., Form And Value |
4 / 988 |
Classical Greece, The Seed Of |
3 / 640 |
Concept of Beauty according to the Western Philosophers |
16 / 4637 |
Creativity thinking |
2 / 580 |
Creon As The Tragic Hero Of An |
3 / 749 |
Creon As The Tragic Hero Of Antigone |
3 / 749 |
Critique Of 'confronting Child Sexual Abuse' |
1 / 111 |
Critique On Keynes |
2 / 424 |
Critique of "Fatalist Attraction" |
2 / 470 |
Cypher'S Choice In "The Matrix" |
5 / 1379 |
Democracy |
4 / 1015 |
Does God Exist? |
5 / 1397 |
Euclid |
3 / 899 |
Greeks |
4 / 941 |
HIPPA and how Philosophers would have viewed it |
8 / 2325 |
Human Nature And The Declaration Of Independence |
6 / 1615 |
Incongruities Within The Philosophy Of Socrates |
3 / 895 |
ksdldo |
2 / 468 |
Leisure is not in the time or action but in the actor |
7 / 1926 |
Macbeth - Tragedy |
4 / 1121 |
Macbeth As A Tragedy |
4 / 1121 |
Nature Vs Nurture |
5 / 1266 |
Oedipus As An Epic Poem By Ari |
2 / 598 |
Oedipus The King 2 |
3 / 630 |
Oedipus The King |
3 / 630 |
Oedipus, The King And Allegory Of The Cave - Comparative Analysis Essa |
3 / 618 |
Plato Republic The Noble Lie |
4 / 1133 |
Plato's Republic |
7 / 1881 |
Plato, Allegory Cave |
4 / 1115 |
Plato |
5 / 1479 |
Ralph Waldo Emerson |
3 / 641 |
Soul Searching |
8 / 2287 |
The Araby |
3 / 714 |
The History And Contributions |
2 / 537 |
The Issue Of Authority And Res |
3 / 646 |
The Life Of Socrates |
5 / 1447 |
The Minoans |
5 / 1416 |
The Political Animal |
5 / 1375 |
The Political Animal |
5 / 1375 |
The Republic By Platoe |
4 / 1190 |
The Scientific Revolution |
4 / 1004 |
The Slums |
2 / 493 |
Critique on Titanic |
1 / 137 |
Opinion on a negative and positive critique of Amistad |
2 / 592 |
Some Like It Hot movie critique |
1 / 116 |
Are we or are we not the prisoners? |
3 / 762 |
Aristotle and Godot |
4 / 1065 |
Aristotle says that the state is natural. What does he mean? |
5 / 1225 |
Aristotle vs kant |
13 / 3842 |
Aristotle's Mean Applied to Acting Technique |
4 / 1135 |
Aristotle's Moral Theory |
6 / 1663 |
Aristotle |
3 / 681 |
Aristotle |
3 / 835 |
Aristotle |
5 / 1270 |
Aristotle: Nicomachaen Ethics |
8 / 2300 |
analysis Thomas Hobbes's claim "a state of nature is, or would be, a state of war of everyone against everyone." |
5 / 1372 |
aquinas and augustine |
4 / 1187 |
aristotle and metaphysics |
7 / 1940 |
Cave and Apology |
6 / 1532 |
Christianity According to St. Augustine and Machiavelli |
5 / 1248 |
Comparison on friendship between Aristotle, Epicurus and Martin Luther King Jr. |
8 / 2230 |
Conception of Happiness |
5 / 1465 |
critism in plato |
9 / 2406 |
Divine Command Morality |
6 / 1622 |
did socrates commit suicide |
3 / 885 |
Euthyphro’s Divine Moral Dilemma |
4 / 1134 |
Explination Of Butler's Thesis |
3 / 865 |
ethical to download music |
3 / 869 |
Galileo And Newton |
4 / 1165 |
Gma And Plato's Equality Of Women |
5 / 1205 |
GoodvsBad |
2 / 563 |
gorgias |
4 / 1096 |
Hobbes; Leviathan |
3 / 627 |
Immanuel Kant |
2 / 404 |
Incongruities Within The Philosophy Of Socrates |
3 / 895 |
Introduction to Ethics |
5 / 1239 |
Is life really better than death? |
2 / 442 |
Knowledge and Information |
5 / 1359 |
Love and Beauty |
4 / 1111 |
Love in Plato's Symposium |
5 / 1206 |
Naturally Just And Legally Just |
5 / 1489 |
No Need to Fear Death: A Look in "The Trial and Death of Socrates" |
5 / 1420 |
13 / 3754 |
Platio contrasted with confucius |
4 / 1091 |
Plato - The Greater Part of the Stories Current Today We Shall Have to Reject |
4 / 1133 |
Plato Analysis |
6 / 1567 |
Plato and the Affect of Art and Poetry |
6 / 1740 |
Plato's Allegory of the Cave compared to the human condition |
4 / 1005 |
Plato's Cave |
5 / 1408 |
Plato's Crito |
3 / 882 |
Plato's Ideas |
1 / 163 |
Plato's Meno |
3 / 695 |
Plato's Repulic, book V |
5 / 1267 |
Plato's The Republic Books 6 Through 10 |
4 / 916 |
Plato's The Republic |
3 / 660 |
Plato's Tripartite Soul - Discussion and Evaluation |
4 / 1173 |
Plato |
8 / 2309 |
Plato |
7 / 2012 |
Plato |
7 / 2047 |
Plato |
5 / 1479 |
Plato |
4 / 1036 |
Political power |
6 / 1623 |
plato |
4 / 1171 |
psychological egoism/rachels |
2 / 525 |
Reflection on “Adler’s Philosophical Dictionary” |
2 / 412 |
Relativity |
2 / 546 |
Ring of Gyges |
3 / 638 |
Round Table |
3 / 622 |
Saussure's definition of language |
2 / 332 |
Science and Religion |
3 / 898 |
Socratic Method: A superior approach |
3 / 674 |
Spoils of Plato's Argument |
1 / 156 |
socrates vs protagoras |
6 / 1702 |
The Allegory of The Cave |
2 / 471 |
The Allegory of the Cave |
3 / 654 |
The Ideal Polis |
6 / 1566 |
The Kallipolis: Justice and Ideals |
6 / 1709 |
The Ring of Gyges and the Myth of Er |
3 / 653 |
The statesman |
4 / 1005 |
Think |
3 / 690 |
Why Should I Be Moral? |
5 / 1380 |
what writers have successfully identified the principles into building a perfect society |
9 / 2552 |
yo motha |
4 / 1144 |
Aristotle on the Polity |
6 / 1760 |
allegory |
3 / 793 |
Foundations of Psychology |
3 / 749 |
Plato |
4 / 1025 |
Does God Exist? |
5 / 1397 |
Gnosticism |
2 / 339 |
Plato's Allegory of the Cave compared to the human condition |
4 / 1004 |
religion |
4 / 1166 |
Spirituality in Art |
2 / 451 |
St Thomas Aquinas |
3 / 896 |
Word Study |
2 / 524 |
Atlantis, A Lost Continent |
7 / 1936 |
Galileo Galilei "founder Of Modern Experimental Science" |
2 / 427 |
Modern Humanism Copared to Classical Humanism |
4 / 1065 |
Paradox Of The Republic |
9 / 2612 |
Thalassotherapy |
3 / 857 |
Critique On Keynes |
2 / 424 |
Poverty In Pakistan |
1 / 279 |
Pros And Cons Of Judicial Review |
4 / 1016 |
The Slums |
2 / 493 |